Shacking up has no place among citizens of the Kingdom of heaven, because cohabitation is highly prohibited in this Kingdom. It may be allowed in the world, but it is not allowed in romantic relationships of the citizens of the Kingdom of heaven.
So if you're a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven, you can't be shacking up (living together) with a man or a woman you're not formally married to.
You also are not allowed to visit each other to spend the night or weekend ALONE in one house or one room. A sleepover is prohibited, because sexual purity must be maintained at all cost.
This is nonsense you say?😊 Well, it is nonsense to those who are not bonafide citizens of the Kingdom of heaven (because the culture of the world is not the culture of heaven).
But to all bonafide citizens of the Kingdom of heaven, it is pure wisdom, because we know our King (the Almighty God) is the wisest and most loving Father - who has the best interest of His children at heart - and who never gives harmful commands nor laws that restricts His children from having healthy fun.
So, all bonafide citizens of the Kingdom of heaven live this way to maintain sexual purity in their romantic relationship. We are wise.
~ Precious Victor Akah