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adultery, homosexuality, fornication
adultery, homosexuality, fornication
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust,
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust
Overcome porn, masturbation, lust




Ovcss is created with a passionate goal to relieve, release and reform those held down by the thoughts, struggle, stronghold and mental incapacitation of sexual sins; to free those addicted or plagued by the immoral vice of lust, masturbation, porn, fornication, adultery and homosexuality.


Millions of people are struggling with these vices: male and female, young and adult, single and married; and the way to freedom they do not know. Many have prayed, sought medical advice and friendly counsel, employed self-will and self-effort to be free, yet they are still under the stronghold of these vices.


Ovcss therefore, is built to bless humanity by showing those victimized by these immoral vices the path to freedom from it. You are welcome to know the truth and be set free.

God bless you.


For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

Precious Victor Akah


Live free from Lust, Masturbation, Pornography, Fornication, Adultery and Homosexuality


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